Den Livsnødvendige Forbindelse
Det at undervise bliver sværere og sværere.
Og det på trods af, at lærere aldrig før har haft så gode uddannelser, teknologien har aldrig været bedre end nu, undervisningsplanerne og pædagogikken har aldrig før været mere gennemtænkte og finpudsede.
Session 1
Teachability Introduced
This session begins with an introduction of the teachability factor, including the problem and the thesis. The session then looks at the role of emergent functioning in learning and behaviour, including curiosity and sense of agency. When this maturing process and its fruit are missing, the impact on functioning is significant. Children must come to school with some modicum of emergent functioning for our typical pedagogical methods to be effective.
Session 2
Teachability & the Adaptive Brain: correction, resilience and neural plasticity
This session covers the role of the adaptive process in learning and behaviour. When this maturing process is stuck, children fail to learn from mistakes, transcend disabilities, or benefit from correction. Aggression is best understood in this context. This material sheds light on the difficulties we experience with non-adaptive children as well as reveals the way through. Children must come to school with their adaptive functioning intact for teachability to result.
Session 3
Teachability & the Developing Brain: problem solving, self discipline, and the capacity to process conflicting thoughts and feelings
This session deals with the role of integrative processes in learning and behaviour. Key to making sense of this is an understanding of the role of the cerebral cortex and corpus callosum. We trip all over the deficits resulting from non- ntegrative functioning when we don’t understand the cause. Once again, some modicum of integrative functioning is required for learning to result from our teaching.
Session 4
Teachability & the Heart: stuckness and defendedness
This session deals with the role of emotion in learning and behaviour. When the vulnerability is too much to bear, the resulting flight from vulnerability greatly impacts their development as well as the learning and behaviour. The impact on teachability is profound.
Session 5
Teachability & Relationship Part I: empowered teaching and the desire to be good
The immature are not receptive to being taught outside the context of a working attachment. The empowering effect of student-teacher relationships is explored. This session explains why alpha children are so difficult to teach and how the dynamic of counterwill cripples the learning process. Peer orientation also is introduced together with its devastating impact on the teachability of today’s students.
Session 6
Teachability & Relationship Part II: how attachment is meant to develop and what hinders its formation
This session looks at how attachment is meant to happen and how the capacity for relationship requires six stages to fully develop. An understanding of how attachment develops and what impedes this development, provides the keys to fostering healthy student-teacher relationships. Also discussed is the role of the various pursuits of proximity in learning and behaviour.
Session 7
Raising Teachability through Attachment: overcoming students reticence to attach and cultivating a context of connection
This material is developed through the constructs of collecting, bridging, and matchmaking. Suggestions are made for overcoming shyness and competing attachments, including peer orientation. This material is applicable to developing working relationships with individual students, as well as creating a context of connection in the classroom and the school.
Session 8
Raising Teachability with Stuck Kids
Stuckness is looked at as a primary source of learning problems as well as troubling behaviour. Stuckness also renders conventional discipline ineffective and even counterproductive. Alternative methods for dealing with behaviour are introduced. Six ways of compensating for stuckness are reviewed. Suggestions are given for keeping students safe and for softening their hearts. Included in this session are the keys to caring and considerate students, and how this attachment-based developmental approach differs from other approaches.
“Giv slip på ønsket om at “finde løsninger på problemer”. Læn dig i stedet tilbage og lad dig oplyse, og opdag, at du spontant begynder at finde din egen vej.”
Gordon Neufeld
Du får her en smagsprøve på kurset
“Min opgave som kursusleder er, at gå ved din side, snarere end at give gode råd.”